February 16

Անգլերենի փետրվարյան ֆլեշմոբ

I. Think of three … 

ways to make big money – Freelancing, learning some craft, successful business
things that will be obsolete within ten years – Elevator to the moon, brain chip, living on another planet
reasons why people cannot make ends meet – Price increase, ւnstable work, lazy
strategies for managing your spending money better. – Economy, organization, do not make personal purchases

II. How could you find a way out of these situations?

You have to pay the bill in a restaurant but you realize you haven’t got enough cash to pay the bill. – I would ask my relatives to replenish my account on the card.
You tell a lie to your boss and he finds out. – I would ask my boss for forgiveness and never make that mistake again.
On Facebook, a friend posts a photo of you at a festival when you should have been at work. – I will confess to my boss and explain the situation.

III. Think about achievements in people`s everyday life. Choose two that are important to you and write two or three sentences about them.                                 

passing a driving test, gaining professional qualifications, moving away from home, having a successful career, making a major purchase (e.g. car, house …)

I think that for all people a successful career has an important role in life. Having a successful career, you can do everything if you want to do it yourself. Second, I need to have my own stable home.